San Jose, CA to Panama Motorcycle Trip

Here are photos from our trip through Southeastern Mexico

Day 17

Mark having breakfast on the Zócalo in front of our hotel in Veracruz.

Packing up the bikes on the Zócalo.

Lunch at a small restaurant on the coast that served wonderful smoked pork ribs.

Our lodging for the night was right on the shore of a mountain lake. 

The owner of the inn, Everisto, leading an impromptu musical evening (he played the marimba as well).

Day 18

Fishing boats on the lake shore.

After a long day on the bikes, we end up on the porch of our casita at Palenque enjoying a beer.
The howler monkeys are screaming in the background.

Day 19

Ruins at Palenque, the first of many Mayan cities we will visit.

Another view of Palenque.

Mark at the ruins.

Day 20

Embarking on the Usumacinta River for the ruins at Yaxchilán.  Across the river is Guatemala.

Heading downriver.

Our first view of the ruins reminds us of a scene from an Indiana Jones movie.

David and Mark at Yaxchilán.

A crocodile along the shore.

Well-preserved Mayan paintings inside a building at Bonampak.

Day 21

On a back road to the Guatemalan border we spotted this sign for some Mayan Ruins in the early
stages of excavation.

The caretaker invited us to ride our bikes into the ruins.

Entering Guatemala after more than two weeks and almost 3,000 miles in Mexico.  (The signs in the
center say Guatemala to the left, Mexico to the right.)

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